Modern Architecture

Mutrikun Gantxegiren lehen etaparen adierazgarri bikainak geratzen dira, hala nola, Elu, Larreina, Ruiz Iparragirre edo Imanolenea etxeak.
The architect Luis Peña Ganchegui is a key figure in modern Basque architecture.   He was not only heavily influenced by post-rationalist architecture and organic architecture, but also by the Basque traditions. However, he knew how to meld these influences to create his own style, being one of the driving forces of contemporary Basque architecture. He has also received numerous accolades, among those is the Medalla de Oro de la Arquitectura, awarded in 2004 by the Higher Council of Architect Associations in Spain, and the Munibe Award, presented by the Basque Government in 1997.
Ganchegui was born in Oñati, but he was always attached to Mutriku where there are numerous samples of his work, especially from his earlier times.  The buildings known as Elu, Larreina, Ruiz Iparragirre or Imanolenea are better known.