Festivals and Sporting Events

Day of the Mackerel:
Apirilaren lehen asteburuan ospatzen da Berdel Eguna Mutrikun (aste Santuarekin tokatzen bada, martxoko azken asteburura pasa ohi da).
Celebration in homage to Saint Peter:
This day is celebrated on the Saturday closest to the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (June 29). Seafarers and sea workers celebrate this day with much delight while accompanied by the rest of Mutriku.
Feasts of Mary Magdalene
The main Saint festivities of Mutriku are celebrated from July 21 to 25. The tamborrada, toros encordados and gigantes y cabezudos are part of the spectacle, along with other cultural events.
Festivities of Calvario
The Fiestas del Calvario are the most popular festivities in Mutriku. They are celebrated between 14 -16 September, where fisherfolk and farmers come together.
The 14th is the day of Calvario and is celebrated in the fields surrounding the hermitage of the same name with trikitixas, bertsolaris and rural Basque sports activities. On the 15th, celebrations take place in the village centre and on the 16th, Piñastei, the festivities are moved to the port to celebrate the day of the seafarer (cucaña, toros encordados and other traditional activities)
Gaba beltza
This celebration is held on 31 October, the eve of All Saints’ Day. The ghost of the Watchtower comes to haunt the streets of the village while the people dance the Axuri Beltza.
Cavalcade of the Three Wise Men
In town of Mutriku, a stunning Cavalcade of the Three Wise Men of kings is organised, one of the most famous in the area. With the help and participation of many of the town’s inhabitants, Saint Melchior makes his entrance from the area around San Miguel, Saint Gaspar from the port and Saint Balthazar from San Nicolás.
They meet at the "Plaza de Abajo" and after re-enacting Herod’s story, they move up to the Txurruka Square where they worship baby Jesus, awaiting them in the arms of the Virgin Mary. Following, the Magi receive letters from young children.
Sports events:
Throughout the year, there are various important sporting events organised in Mutriku. Worth mentioning is the mountain competition on Mount Arno during the first weekend of June, the Sprint Triathlon of Mutriku, the Water polo competition (held in summer at the natural pool in the port of Mutriku), the Black Flysch open water swimming event, regattas to name a few.